Maximizing the Life of Cut Flowers

Apr 24, 2024

Maximizing the Life of Cut Flowers

Robin Pero - April, 2024

Maximizing the Life of Cut Flowers

Maximizing the Life of Cut Flowers

Not many things bring life and colour to a space like fresh flowers do. Beyond the aesthetics, there are tons of studies out there that discuss the mental and physical health benefits that having fresh flowers in our homes provide. Some flowers and plants absorb chemicals while others give off a beautiful fragrance that can aid in relaxation and even promote a deeper and more restful sleep while contributing to a greater sense of harmony and peace. And of course they're the perfect way to elevate an occasion or special event! Like most things, there are some simple tips and tricks that we may not know or overlook that can help maximize the vase life of our blooms so we can enjoy them longer!


Preparation.When you receive your flowers and are preparing them for a vase, be sure to remove any leaves that will sit below the water line. Any loose organic matter floating in the water will lead to the development of bacteria. You can also remove any broken or damaged petals or blooms that may look unsightly. Roses are sold with guard petals which protect the inner bloom for damage and those can be removed. Make sure whatever vessel you decide to use is clean and sterile and water tight! Using unglazed pottery or ceramics may leave damaging water rings on your furniture or surfaces.

Trim. Whenever your stems are exposed to air, the delicate tissue that transports water from the tip to the bloom will immediately begin to heal over. For this reason, it is important to always re-cut your stems every time they are exposed to air and return to water. This will allow them to drink and continue to hydrate! Always cut your stems with a sharp knife or pruners on a 45 degree angle. This will create a larger surface area for the water to enter. Using dull tools will crush the conductive tissues making transpiration more difficult for the stem, so make sure they are SHARP!

Water. Always use cool, clean water when filling your vase. If filtered water is available, this is always ideal, but tap water is just fine. If using flower food packets, 1/4 of food is all you need for the average vase or less if using something smaller. Using an excessive amount of food will only accelerate the growth of bacteria in the water. It is important to change the water every 2-3 days and add more food in the process. Be sure to re-cut your stems when you're changing the water and remove any mushy or dead tissue. While some resources suggest putting bleach or vinegar in your water to slow down bacteria growth, we do not recommend adding chemicals or acid. If you use clean and sterile vessels and tools, and frequently change the water, this is unnecessary and harmful to the living tissue.

Pro-tip. Keep your flowers out of the sun and away from heat sources. This will cause your flowers to bloom at an increased rate.

Ways to Maximize Flower Arrangements

When receiving a pre-designed arrangement of flowers, the same school of thought applies. While it is harder to re-cut all of the stems and greenery, you can still tip out the water and replace it with fresh clean water and more floral food. If re-cutting the entire arrangement is not possible or realistic, choosing individual blooms and cutting each one and placing back in the arrangement will be helpful.

It is important to remember that all flowers and arrangements have an evolution. Some delicate and seasonal blooms may have a quicker departure than others. To help prolong the overall life of your arrangement, removing each stem as it withers will aid in the control of decaying material and mold in your arrangement and the water.

At this point, don't be afraid to move stems around and make new arrangements with the blooms that remain. The art of floral arranging is joyful and relaxing and you may find a newly discovered hobby and interest!

Did you know we offer private and group floral and plant workshops in our shop in London, Ontario? Reach out if this is something that interests you or check our workshop section for upcoming dates.


Build your own bouquet workshops are just one of the many classes we teach.

Visit our shop Tuesday-Friday 11am-5pm and Saturday 11-4pm. Our cooler is always stocked with a beautiful and unique assortment of blooms and greenery for pickup or delivery within London and surrounding area.


Walk-in cooler stem bar and market bouquet 

Looking for a bundle of blooms to try your hand at designing with? Our market bouquets come in 2 sizes, with contents that vary from week to week. Much like something you would find at a local farmers market, These are undesigned bunches of blooms in complimentary colour palettes for you to gift or enjoy a little burst of life and colour!

Our flower cooler is always stocked with loose blooms for you to choose from if there is something in particular you are looking for. For custom orders, reach out by calling or emailing the shop.

Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.
Market Bouquet - Grow & Bloom Co.

Market Bouquet


Article credit: Robin Pero @growandbloomco